Topaz Massage
Nolan Bailey Edge, LMT

Top-Quality Therapeutic Bodywork in a Nurturing and Professional Environment


You've come to the right place.

When we balance our minds and bodies, and replenish our souls, we provide ourselves with the means to become our happiest and healthiest. Massage therapy is one of the greatest ways to facilitate this.  

I am trained in a variety of modalities and am here for all of your bodywork needs. You can click on the "Services and Rates" page to learn more about the techniques I use in my work.

If you’d like to set up an appointment with me, just click on "Request A Session" and I will contact you to confirm the details of your appointment.

You may also click on "Contact Me" to send me a message and I will answer any questions you might have.

Thanks for visiting and I hope to see you soon!

Where Focus Goes, Energy Flows